Display menu items on a digital board. What, you’ve never seen one before? Where are you eating, your highness?
Always show the latest items, prices, nutritional information, graphics, layouts, and more. Live data integration ensures menus will always be current. Make changes on the fly throughout the day. Advertising can supplement information and be controlled on a per-screen or per concession stand basis for upsell/cross-sell.
Ability to integrate with external data sources and business logic. Intuiface can communicate with any back-office system, ensuring your ability to access and display the latest menu information. Multiple sources can be incorporated in real-time, filters can be easily assigned, and you can use any visual to display that content as meaningfully as possible. Change options based on times of day, special events, promotions, or more with ease. (NOTE: The connection doesn’t have to be live. Information can be stored locally to ensure offline accessibility.)