Visitors touch a screen, take a printed number. Screens at each counter flash the number they are now ready to serve. Mess with visitors by doling out numbers randomly. You can still serve them in the order received while leaving all with a sense of hopelessness. Great for morale!
Eliminate the line while still enforcing a queued approach to service. As they wait, visitors can relax or choose to interact with digital content – promotional terminals, information kiosks, and more - placed around the room. This is a good approach for branches with a sizeable waiting room.
Local network triggers. A powerful feature enabling an Intuiface experience to be triggered by – and receive information from – independent software running on the same device. In the case of queue management, that independent software is another Intuiface experience. Experience A manages the ticket printer function and tracks the latest number requested by a counter. (Accomplished either indirectly or through dedicated APIs exposed by the printer.) Experiences running on each agent counter use a local network trigger to inform Experience A that the next number in the queue is requested. Experience A responds with its own local network trigger, a trigger accompanied by the latest queue number. These triggers are simple http statements that anyone can create.